
Recently, we have been informed that some individuals are impersonating Skymind China Executives, CEO, or Founder in China and Southeast Asian countries, actively engaging in discussions regarding fraudulent investment activities.
If you have any doubts about your encounter with personnel claiming to be Skymind associates, please do not hesitate to contact us directly at [email protected] to confirm their identity.
Please note that the exclusive official channels for Skymind’s information are on this website domain,, and our staff members’ official email addresses must conclude with 思凯迈/Skymind does not possess nor appoint any company or individual to operate any websites or social media accounts in China.


我们近日接获通报,有不法分子在中国和东南亚国家冒充 Skymind 中国高管、董事长或创始人,企图利用 Skymind 的名义进行欺诈。如果您对声称是 Skymind 关联人员的接触有任何疑虑,请立即通过 [email protected] 与我们联系,以确认其身份。
请注意,Skymind 的信息专用官方渠道仅在此网站域名 www.Skymind.Global 上,公司相关人员的官方电子邮件地址必以 结尾。思凯迈/Skymind 没有任何中文网站和社交媒体账户,也未曾委托任何公司或个人在中国运营任何中文网站或社交媒体账户。